substitute teacher: the study of red plaid rainboots
24 Dec
Hello, e. here from pinksuedeshoe. A few months ago I found these perfect red plaid rainboots on clearance at a Texas TJ Maxx for all of $12. It was a happy happy day.
[ Available at zappos, but for much more than $12, unfortunately. ]
I wasn’t hoping to use them until the Spring. I have a great red raincoat to wear them with. But, mother nature had something different in mind. It’s been pouring buckets of rain in my neck of the woods for days. Days and days. I’m hoping for a cold snap tonight so that maybe we’ll have a white Christmas. Maybe. I’m going to a Christmas Eve program held in a barn near my mom’s house tonight. And I think that these boots will be a a festive way to help keep the mud and barn-ness off my feet. Merry Christmas, if you are celebrating. If not, Happy Friday!
Oh my goodness — those are so totally perfect, right down to the $12 price tag. Amazing! And so cute they are almost worth picking up at Zappos. Maybe Santa will put them under my tree? You think?
xo -El
Yep, love.
These are great! Love fun rainboots =)